
4-core x 2.5 sq mm flexible rubber cable, EPR insulated, PCP single sheath, as per IS:9968

2-core x 1.5 sq mm flexible type S compensating cable, EPR insulated, PCP sheath, with asbestos fillers

4-core x 4.0 sq mm flexible trailing cable, EPR insulated, outer double PCP sheath with cotton braiding in-between to provide mechanical strength

2-core x 1.2 sq mm type S compensating cable, PTFE insulated, SPC braided, overall PTFE sheathed

Multi-pair heat & moisture resistant signal cable, PTFE insulated, overall shield of SPC braiding, outer PTFE sheath

1-pair x 1.5 sq mm heat & moisture resistant type K thermocouple extension cable, PTFE insulated & sheathed, overall SS braiding